Friday, October 8, 2010

No, I wasn't angry with Paul

Así le lucía el pelo en el 71

Hoy he terminado de leer la entrevista a John Lennon a cargo de Jann S. Wenner (Rolling Stone, 1971), coincidiendo con su virtual 70 aniversario según Google (aunque realmente es mañana), que ha puesto una animación pastelosa en su honor adaptada/sustituyendo al logo, como vienen haciendo hace tiempo con cada ocasión especial que se les presenta, y bien me parece excepto en contadas ocasiones como hoy. Buena ilustración mal montaje, por no decir una canción hecha añicos de gastada.
A lo que iba, os dejo el resumen de la entrevista:

Do you think you're a genius?
Yes, if there is such a thing as one, I am one.

Ahora un par de citas que me han parecido cachondas:

And when we got here [to the US], you [the Americans] were all walking around in fuckin' Bermuda shorts, with Boston crew cuts and stuff on your teeth. Now they're telling us, they're all saying, "Beatles are passé, and this is like that, man." The chicks looked like fuckin' 1940 horses. There was no conception of dress or any of that jazz. We just thought, "What an ugly race"; it looked just disgusting. We thought how hip we [the british people] were, but, of course, we weren't. It was just the five of us, us and the Stones were really the hip ones; the rest of England were just the same as they ever were.


We [the people in Liverpool] were the ones that were looked down upon as animals by the Southerners, the Londoners. The Northerners in the States think that people are pigs down South, and the people in New York think West Coast is hick. So we were hicksville. 
We were a great amount of Irish descent and blacks and Chinamen, all sorts there. It was like San Francisco, you know. That San Francisco is something else! Why do you think Haight-Ashbury and all that happened there? It didn't happen in Los Angeles, it happened in San Francisco, where people are going - L.A. you pass through and get a hamburger.

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